Today, I will talk about life after death and what happens when you die. Lucifer, our bringer of light, transmitted this information. For those who don’t know, Lucifer returned home since 1986. He spent thirty years in the light chamber, and now together with Jesus and other light beings, will help us ascend to another level in our evolution.
Starting message:
Hello, precious souls. I am joyful to continue our tour through 3D. I will reveal now what happened to you when you die.
I will first describe what happened when we had heaven and purgatory, and after I will continue with what will happen now when you leave behind your physical body. Also, I will explain life after death to clarify the confusion we created a long time ago. I touched this subject in another message, but now I will elaborate.
We created your world and its values based on fear. Also, we made rules and regulations to hold you in fear, worries, pains, miseries, stress, and angry. These were the tools we used to decline your body frequency and keep you in 3D frequency. We used a controlled religion to prepare you to be frightened of passing. The more you feared death, the easiest it was to have you in so-called purgatory. We established hell in such a way to instantly manifest your fear. So, when you reached hell, which was indeed a nice place, you altered it with your instant manifestations. You listened to fire and smoke stories before you passed, and you knew that would burn you alive if you didn’t obey your controllers.
When you entered the hell after the passing, you recalled all you learned on Earth about purgatory. Using your instant creation capability, you produced with your thought the inferno. So, you were frightened by smoke and fire, and you created instantly just smoke and fire. We knew where you were, and we kept you there until it was the right time to take you out.
Some of you had no fear, and when you arrived in hell, you didn’t believe that you are in purgatory. These individuals have risen to heaven automatically because they thought they belong to heaven, no hell.
Purgatory wasn’t a place for your soul’s punishment. We created hell as a transition to heaven, and we let you free to manifest it the way you wanted until you moved on to paradise.
We lost a few of you for a while because you gave us a hard time to find you and bring you to heaven. You didn’t like the individuals around you, and you hid in dark places where nobody can see you. You wanted to create a special place for yourself where you can stay safe without others bothering you. So, you built craters and bunkers where you remained hidden.
Other individuals didn’t want to come in heaven; they were afraid of the unknown and hung around hell for hundreds of years. Sometimes they appeared like ghosts to Earth inhabitants when they lived in the houses where they lived before death.
Some unfortunate people died instantly or in terror and couldn’t believe they were dead, so they created problems for living humans by appearing as ghosts.
If you were spiritual, religious, or believed in God, we lifted you instantly to heaven. The same happened to people who started to pray to God for forgiveness when they arrived in hell. We pulled them fast in heaven because we heard their prayers.
It was better for each of you to knew this when hell and heaven existed, so you could avoid undesirable scenes when you had an etheric body. Many teachers, along the time, told you about purgatory and heaven, but you didn’t hear their voices.
Unprepared and unaware individuals being afraid of death when passing damaged their souls. Your encounters with creatures from hell traumatized your soul, and you remained longer for healing in our rejuvenation centers. Anyway, it wasn’t a pleasant experience. That was the place for a transition toward heaven, and you are responsible for its transformation in hell through your instant manifestation. We didn’t create hell; you did. We made just the borders around hell with low vibration energy so you couldn’t get out by yourself. The creation inside hell was your instant manifestation. We had nobody to wait for you when you arrived in hell, and we built nothing there. Even the draconian, greys and reptilian species didn’t want to live in such a heavy density. So, you were there, almost alone. The only entities that lived with you in hell were some of the dark energy used to attack Earth’s people.
Until today most of you believe that hell existed to punish people that did wrong on your planet. That wasn’t the case. As I said before, we created hell as a transition place before reaching heaven. We place a massive energy field around to make sure you stay there, and nobody can take you out of that energy field. We created this place because we didn’t want to lose your souls when passing. That will generate many problems for us because we might not be able to finish the 3D project, and I was the head leader of this project.
You had free choice, and if you knew how to increase your frequency while you resided in hell, it was easy to get out from there instantly. But the fear of burning in hell forever as punishment for what you did on Earth held you there.
We had many souls that were very spirituals, and they didn’t believe that heaven and hell are real places. Because their energy was very high vibrationally, they bypassed us. They changed the etheric body with a light body and disappeared from purgatory or paradise. These cases were sporadic but existed.
As an example, Jesus/Sananda bypasses paradise and inferno, and after he died, he went straight home. When he arrived in purgatory, he knew that is a transition place, and when meditating, he automatically lifted to his realm. We tried to catch his soul, but his body frequency was very high, and heaven or hell couldn’t hold him. The higher the body frequency when you died, the harder it was for us to keep you captive in our paradise or hell.
Right now, the situation shifted. The light beings demolished your transitory homes, and your soul is not captive anymore. You are free to go where you choose as your body frequency permit.
When you move to the other side of the veil these days, your relatives and family of light are waiting to get you home. You see them before you die, and you talk with them telepathically. Now you pass in peace, and you understand that your life continues in another existence. You are delighted to get there and leave behind all the sufferings. Unfortunately, you will miss your family and friends from the Earth, and you will come back to them sooner than you think. We cannot keep you on higher dimensions if you do not want to stay. You have a feeling of unsolved problems on Earth, and you prefer to get back as soon as possible to complete your work. Always, it was tough for us to convince you to stay home.
With the vaccination programs and other alternative methods we used to make you infertile, these brave souls will not come back to your dimension. Less and fewer souls can return as infertility reaches its pick.
Therefore, it will be fantastic if you can raise your vibration as much as possible in this lifetime. It will be marvelous to bring you all back to 5D frequency. Increase the vibration of love and practice unconditional love. All people around you are a version of you or your brother and sisters from other lifetimes and timelines. Why do you want to stay angry with them or hate them? I will give you the details on how the timelines work in another message. Until then, you need to practice love energy. See God’s creation in everything that comes your way. Appreciate and be thankful for what you have. The abundance is coming through appreciation and awareness. Remove the fear and worries. There is nothing that you have to be afraid of in this lifetime. Stay out of stress and understand what does to your body. Your number one enemy that makes you ill, aged, depressed, irritable, confused, unhappy, and miserable is stress and fear.
So, my valuable friends from the 3D realm, start educating yourself. Many books and videos explain how you can grow your vibration, and I will not repeat it here. Reading is one of the most potent engines that serve to expand your intelligence. There are many self-help books out there that can support you to boost your awareness and education. They are the best exercise for your intellect.
I will stay away from history books or politics. We altered the stories for eons of time to fit our programs, and the politics are the art to tell individuals what they want to hear.
So my dear partners from the 3D world, there is life after death. Your consciousness and all your field that you call Merkaba is coming with you in your light body. A copy of all your adventures will remain in the akashic records for you or others to benefit when they reincarnate in the third dimension.
All of you have unseen families that are waiting for your arrival home. So you will be thrilled to be with them. Now your reincarnation circle ended, and you will continue a life full of magic after passing. You will use a light body that can wander in many dimensions, planets and galaxies, and constellations. You will travel there because you crave to see your relatives and friends you didn’t see for a long time. You will have a duty at planetary or galaxy level; it depends on your frequency and spiritual expansion. The higher the spiritual growth, the more significant is the work authority. You will recall all that when you will be back home where you belong.
The third dimension project ended with a tremendous victory. We are the pioneers of the third dimension creation. You proved to many other species in this universe that it is possible to survive and endure the 3D realm. Also, you proved that it is possible and easy to have a low body vibration body when having low-density experiences. Because of your dedication and success, more and more high dimensional beings will take a human body in the future. They will live in 3D to master the concepts they didn’t understand in God’s field.
So, take a chance on your next evolutionary level and increase your vibration. Know that we are all one, and most of you met in your life another version of you that wished to learn something else. Be kind, respectful, and polite with all of you, no conflicts, no disputes, no disagreements. Now you have a perfect chance to exercise unconditional love. It is a great time to enhance your consciousness to reach another evolutionary stage, the 5D consciousness.
As I said, understand that there is nothing to be afraid of in this lifetime. Forget about the future or the past. Forget and forgive everybody that did wrong to you. Don’t remain stuck in traditional learning and structures that are working against you. In time they will alter your belief system. Instead, to worry about something that might develop in the future, change your guessing and stay in the present. Understand that you design your future with your thinking process. Learn to discipline your mind to conceive and manifest what you prefer; it will be a decisive step forward in your evolution. Do not complain and blame others because these are negative energies that will hold you in the third dimension consciousness.
Thank you to each one of you for being part of this experiment. You are magnificent, and you passed the third dimension learning school with flying colours.