Today I will talk about darkness attacks and darkness attachments: Lucifer, our bringer of light, transmitted this information.
I start now with the message:
Hello, precious souls. I am happy to continue our trip in 3D. Today I will describe the darkness attacks and their attachments. I presume you know by now what are the most potent kinds of dark entities tools, devices, and methods that might annoy you. They were used to terrorize you and weaken your vibration so you will cease doing what you are making. We invaded all the light worker’s lives with one or more of these attacks:
· Tracking devices.
· Sleep paralysis.
· Humans attack.
· Dark entities attachments
· Energetic vampires.
· Health and wealth attacks.
· Holographic attacks
· Shadow entities.
· Abduction.
. Possession
· Attacks on your Angelic guides.
• Tracking devices. We have used tracking devices for more than fifty thousand thousand years. In the last hundreds of years, the dark entities used these types of equipment on almost all individuals. Try to identify if you have installed a tracking device. Check your legs if you have a sign that popped up from nowhere. It is a dark red circle with a little whiter bump in the middle. It is visible because it is the size of a dry bean. The swell from the center is palpable when you touch that area. Usually is no pain, and it is tough to figure out when the device was inserted. If you had missing time in your life or sleep paralysis, check if you have the tracking sign. In the past thirty years, they make the spot a little smaller, and they might use the neck area. But the most efficient method was implantation on the leg. Your angelic guides disconnect the device shortly after implantation. All abducted people have the tracking equipment on them. It is better to change the city, or the location, to get rid of the darkness guests. The tracking was active while living on your current site. By relocating, the tracking equipment will not operate anymore because your angelic guides deactivated the device. So, change the location.
• Sleep paralysis. It is happening when you are in a deep sleep and have some invisible darkness entities around you. They are mostly from the Lyra constellation. Usually, they have assignments to disturb an individual from Earth. They are small in size, almost one foot, and look like a furless cat. They have small horns, a tail, and stand on your chest and abdomen while sleeping. Their weight will press you down by paralyzing you temporarily. They are not dangerous entities, and they are there to reinforce your fear. Most of the people that have sleep paralysis are awaken individuals or souls with a specific mission. Do not fear these dark entities because they are harmless. It is easy to get rid of them. Disconnect the tracking equipment and move to another location. For disconnection, use somebody trained in extracting the device. A healer or medium should be helpful. Also, you can do it yourself by asking your angelic guides to disconnect the device. Another way to get rid of the entities that bother you is to make the sign of the Christian cross with your tongue in your mouth when you wake up in paralysis. It will disappear in an instant when you make the cross sign. Your mouth is the only place that is not frozen. Do not try to wake up a family member to help or see what happened because you cannot move, and they cannot see. Not finding any possibility to get the help you need will make you vary scary, and they will feed on the energy coming from you. It is one of the methods we used to keep people in fear to experience the 3D reality. After this method was implemented, we developed more methods that evolved during this century.
• Humans attack come mostly from your family members, friends, co-workers, and even people you do not know. It is coming under the form of debate, contrary point of view, hate, or the satisfaction to disprove you. The individuals using these tools to oppose you in a conversation are generally people who had trauma, stress, and are suffering in their lives, and their frequency is shallow. The dark entities use them to hurt you. If you realize that they are coming from the place of darkness, not love, don’t give them the power to continue. If you start arguing too, the chances are that both of you have temporary dark attachments that crave to have fun with you. They embrace the energy triggered by your fear and your nervousness and feeding on that. The quicker you understand what is going on, the easier it is to get rid of them. They fly fast because they are attracted instantly to other beings that disagree with each other. The more arguments you have with each other, the more they will stay with you. So there is a lot of energetic feeding ground for them in 3D. The more you are conscious about these unseen dark active entities, the easier is to ignore them by modifying the discussion to be more constructive.
• Dark entities attachments. – parasites. This energy exists all over the Earth. It is denser in areas of war and where the fear is significant. This dark energy is the size of five centimeters to twenty centimeters, irregular band, mostly like leeches. If you can see them, they are a dark grey, almost black or dark brown color. This energy is floating in the air, and some individuals will be attracted to this low vibration energy. When this energy attaches to individuals, it will control their behavior to create more dark energy for them to feed on it. It disappears when your energy uplifts and the compassion and love for others increase, and your attitude becomes positive. This energy has been redirected during the past years toward eastern continents, and light entities already remove most of it. When these energies are attached to you, it is tough to control them unless you increase your body frequency. They are used to create hate, arguments, misunderstanding, confusion, wars, fights, and chaos. These energies dissipate and disappear from your realm if all the people become optimistic and express kindness to each other. Therefore, you have to be more appreciative, happy, and understand God’s creation. On a higher dimension, this energy band cannot exist. Increase the vibration of love, and it will leave.
• Energetic vampires – They are individuals that leave in a very low-frequency field. They surround themselves with dark energy by not agreeing with anybody, just their opinions count. There is never their fault, and they blame anyone and everything that comes their way. While you have a conversation with these beings, they will drain the energy out of you, and right away, you become exhausted and need a nap. They attract dark energies that will attach to them if they do not change their attitude. When the members of your family are energetic vampires, avoid talking with them much. Just smile and agree with all they have to say, and you will feel better. They will look for another victim, and you are off the hook. Weak people, traumatized, abused, and addicted to substances, are vulnerable to these kinds of attachments, and these dark energies feed on them by irritating other people and making them tired. In time these energies can create physical illnesses that doctors cannot treat or explain. It is easy to remove these dark entities by using a hypnotherapist or a medium. Also, increasing the vibrational level will make them leave. Avoid these unlucky people that make you tired and surround yourself with optimistic, happy, and positive-minded individuals.
• Health and wealth attacks. It is hard to see these kinds of attacks, but they exist. Ever wonder why you have unexplained pains and cannot make the money you want? Here lies the answer. It is another form of attack. It is attacking your bodies from your field by changing the polarities. You can try the mindset, focusing, and other meditations to attract money or health but will not work. You will never have a breakthrough. The attacks on health are real, and you cannot fight them alone. If you see a doctor and tells you that there is no reason to have pain, think dark attacks. Many people are subject to these attacks. It is hard to break free but try meditation and ask light beings to come and help you. The pain episodes will stop when you stop doing what you are doing. There is another reason for not having wealth and health, and these reasons are karmic. I will leave that for another video because of the complexity of the subject.
• Holographic attacks. That is rare, and you must have a big mission to get these kinds of attacks. How this works; dark entity will create a vision, and you are the only one who can see it. If you are afraid, they will persist and will come to bother you often. If you do not care and realized what they are, they will disappear. Send them love and say, “thank you for the trying, but it didn’t work on me because I am not afraid of you.” The attacks seem almost like an animal, insect, or bird drone following you. It depends on how they are programmed to bother you. Sometimes they can connect you to other places in this universe and show you a vision from there to scare you. The key to making them disappear is not to be afraid and they are harmless.
• Shadow entities attacks; They appear mostly like the size of a grown individual, kid, or a small bush. They flyes or accompany you around most of the time, so it is easy to observe them. Sometimes they are making noise to get your attention or talking with you. Do not be afraid of them. Understand they have their mission of serving the dark. Talk with them. They listen to you, and they talk with you back telepathically or using the voice. Explain God’s realms and the happiness and love that exists there. Explain that there is no manipulation and control and everybody is happy in God’s kingdom. Ask Archangel Michael, Jesus, or me for help. We will get them into the light if you are good at convincing them about God’s kingdom alternative.
• Abduction. It is a deal done between two parties that let the aliens and other species mess with your life. Most of the time, they do not tell the real reason for abductions to your leaders. Once they take you on their ship, you are subject to many experiments. That makes you feel sick and weak. The primary investigation is procreation. They want to improve their species’ look and DNA. They will implement their eggs on females and add a tracking device. They will come back in the next one to two months to remove the baby that will grow in their incubators until fully developed. Some individuals from the Earth are used more than others for this experiment because they know who they are at the soul level. From men, they collect eggs so they can fertilize their females. That is the primary experimentation they are doing on humans. They also can use your body to take blood samples, DNA samples, body tissues, etc. They do not scare you, but they create pain. They will paralyze you before taking you on their ship, and there is nothing you can do about it than to deactivate the tracking device and relocate. They are scary small creature grey/green color but harmless.
• Possessions – That is a severe dark attack that is hard to remove and takes over your body. It can create change in behaviours, and illnesses, while a dark entity lives in you. It is the most devastating form of darkness attacks. Most of the time, they come and take over your body through a contract. These entities control most of the famous people. Occasionally, they might take over a body of any traumatized individual that is asking for help. Because their frequency is low, they attracted these kinds of entities. Another way that these entities take over your body is black magic.
If you are in contract with them for money and fame, it is tough to get rid of them. They feel used and tricked and will do what it takes to destroy you and your health and wealth. The occasional possessions are hard to remove too. You need specialized people to do that. Try to listen to high-frequency music and increase body vibration. It will help you a little until you find somebody to help you. A hypnotherapist can help with occasional possessions. For permanent possession, look for highly spiritual people that can help you. For black magic entity removal, you need an excellent specialized person to remove it.
You are not the only one attacked. We are too.
Here is the most used method to attack us:
• Attacks on your angelic guides; There are many attacks on light beings, and I want to mention that. You cannot feel that, but the way this will affect you is just temporary. They used many devices to attack us, and each year they come up with new machines and new ways to get to us. We recuperate fast from these attacks by getting help from other light beings or God.
Anyway, they have many methods to attack your angelic guides.
In this video, I mentioned the most used ways for attacking Earth’s light workers or people that awakened. Those are the most efficient methods they use to maintain your body on fear. If you have darkness attacks, it is totally up to you to continue your mission on Earth or quit. The best way is to take a break. While you are on vacation, they will not attack you. Once you start your project, they are there to stop you, and they use one of the attacks explained. It is hard to get rid of them. Increase your body frequency, ignore their attacks, don’t be afraid, and decide how you can deal with their attacks. Use your power of intention to keep them away or make their life miserable, until you find the help you need. Look for professional help if necessary.
When I left the position of Satan, a new Satan took my place. This one likes to fight. He uses humans, drones, clones, hybrid humans, and invisible entities and energies to fight with you and create wars and chaos. They know that they will never win this war in consciousness, but they will fight until the end. Therefore, they will never give up, but you can change the timeline you are on by lifting your body vibration through love.
The galactic war is over, and many of you should be off the hook from darkness attacks. It is only a matter of time until they will be out of your planet definitively. We hope by the end of the year to remove them all from your world. There are many timelines where that already happened. Increase the frequency of love, and you will lift on a timeline when this war on your consciousness is finished, and they are removed between you.
Good job, beloved, good job. Light always wins.