Today I want to tell you a little about Planetary prophecies.
The prophecies are trying to release you from the present time and allow your mind and thoughts to wander into the future. No matter what the prophecy may consist of, war or earthquake, natural disasters, or end of times, my answer would always be the same. We who live in the higher levels of evolution see all the possibilities that the planet may have shortly. Prophecies about your world take into account planetary energy of consciousness in individual timelines.
The energy of fear and love have a frequency, and the earth goes on a timeline that is in balance with the planet’s energy consciousness at that time. If you are not in fear, the energy of planetary consciousness is higher than the one before. The timeline you enter is different from the previous one; you are changing the timeline, and the prophecy here is different from an earlier time frame. Through their channels, people catch the energies of timelines and read it, interpret it, and spread it around. If you do not like the prophecy, change your thinking habits switch from fear to love, and that prophecy will not happen. It’s simple as that, turn your mind and focus on what you want to have and see and leave the rest. Having positive thinking and being optimistic will experience a different timeline that matches the energetic frequency of the planet.
There are not false prophets, their messages are from different timelines, and we see them as probabilities. I wouldn’t say I like to give notes regarding the future because I do not read the future, I see all timelines and do not know what will be the planet’s consciousness to a point soon. So because of that, I cannot tell you exactly what will happen. For these reasons, I prefer to restrain myself from giving information regarding your future because you are not prepared to understand how these timelines and planetary consciousness work. I would want you to live and be happy with a high consciousness based on unconditional love. Live in the present, my dear brothers and sisters, leave the future you are not there yet.
Channeled from Sananda