Ascension 111 – Chapter 18

Chapter 18
I believe the fear of enlightenment keeps individuals from seeing the beauty that lies within them.
Many people believe that fear is the single most significant factor responsible for causing you to wander away from the path of Ascension and cause you to miss this opportunity.
Unfortunately, not all of you have entirely healed your fear yet, and there won’t be a lot of time for you to do so. You must get over your fears and awaken.
Fortunately, you have a lot of teachers out there who can help you get over your fears. In the end, I am confident that the teacher will appear at the right time when the student is ready.
From my experience, the best way to get rid of all the fears you have is by walking through them. The more you avoid facing these energies, the longer they will remain with you.
Crossing the threshold of Ascension will be impossible for those ignorant of the lies and manipulations perpetrated all around them. But if you believe nothing wrong is going on in this world and no one is telling you any lies, you will choose to stay comfortable. As a result, the comfort zone becomes a place that holds you back because ego drives it.
In these last days before the Ascension, we must prepare for whatever happens. It is a personal choice to step into the unknown to expand into an entirely new experience. Through the expansion of your awareness and by integrating the higher vibrational consciousness of your spiritual selves, you can ascend.
Some techniques to achieve ascension are spiritual practices as;

• Start with meditation; it is a great tool. It will increase your vibration.
• Be open to receive and integrate the codes of awakening from the galactic centre.
• Shine your light within your daily interaction with people from your community.
• Activation of the entire DNA should be one’s goal.
You can access spiritual-energetic upgrades daily, allowing you to transcend duality, transcend negativity, and experience physical existence as an awakened divine being.
Suppose you wish to ascend into total enlightenment and consciousness of the Divine within yourself and all creations. In that case, you must eliminate all obsolete patterns, beliefs, attitudes, behaviours, and negative energies to accept the inner brilliance and illumination of divine light.
By practicing meditation daily, connecting with the deeper meaning of life, and tuning into high frequencies of spirituality, you can better understand life and feel beyond what’s physically possible for you.
When preparing for the ascension process, it is imperative to let go of old emotional wounds or integrate them. Also, you need to heal traumas, dispel fears, change beliefs, and understand one’s limits.
Would you say that is an easy or a complex task? I guess it will be up to you to decide what to do. It is essential to realize that we have been in many complicated and harmful situations throughout our many lives on this earth. What a wonderful experience to take one more task, Ascension 111?

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