Hello God, would you please give us some information about the Twin Flames union?
‘This message has detailed information about the formation, the structure of spirits, and Twin Flames unions.
A long time ago, I decided that it was sufficient energetic potential in my field to divide. Then, I created parts of me through split-boom, and during this process, I divided into zillions of parts/spirits. I constructed my field with positive and negative
energy, and I chose each spirit to contain all I am composed. I know most of you are interested in how I created myself. Well, I will explain that when the time will be right to share this information, and until then, it will remain just speculations.
Also, I call myself the Source because it is closer to my reality, even I am not the only Source. For this Universe, I am your Source, and I will remain with
you until you bypass me, pursuing your existence in alternative universes where there are other Sources/Gods. You cannot escape the Gods because somebody has to keep the order in Universes and hold your energy. So, I am the guardian of your Universe and your creator.
I have no form, but I can take a body, I have no gender, but I can have any gender, and I am everywhere; in the air that you breathe, in the occupied and unoccupied space as you may see it, in every living and un-living thing. I am the matter and anti-matter, and I call myself I AM. The most beautiful part of the creation is that I am a part of each of you called soul, and you are not even aware of that. So, listen to your souls because I am
talking to you every second of your life. Therefore, after I designed the spirits, I supported them in developing what they wanted, male or female principles. After their formation, I allowed them to travel and participate freely all over my creations, dimensions, galaxies, and planets. It was the only way to let them have their own
experiences, wisdom, and understanding of my work. When they returned home, they always
comforted me with their achievements’.
What is a dimension?
‘My creation has many dimensions, and I develop each one of them with thousands of sub-dimensions. Together there are millions. Every sub-dimension has its frequency with a limited visual spectrum. The thriving souls on these sub-dimensions do not interfere with other sub-dimensions unless they do a particular work. The light beings that reside in higher dimensions have access to the sub-dimensions under them, because of their job of helping them evolve. Also, lower density individuals can not see these beings because their frequency is over their visual spectrum. So you may consider them your invisible supervisor angels. But each soul that lives in any sub-dimension has access to download information from the Field. The only way to become conscious of other worlds is by using meditations and opening the third eye. The right way to tune in the field is by using the love vibration. It can be achieved successfully with meditation and music. Drugs and other substances will mix your perceptions and move your imagination into places that you will not like. You call these places Limbo.’
Is there a difference between spirits and souls?
‘Yes, it is a difference. The spirits have a bigger field, and they are called higher self on your planet. The souls are parts of your higher self. When souls take bodies, they cannot take with them the all higher self/spirit field. They will take just a minor part from the spirit called the soul. Therefore, the soul is a part of the spirit. The rest of
the spirit that didn’t incarnate will help the limited part of the spirit accomplish what wants to learn and accomplish by being reincarnated.’
Thank you for the clarification, and let’s continue with twin flames info.
‘Therefore, after males and females were created and shaped, they spent a lot of time with each other. Then they settled together for a brief period, others for a longer time, and a few of them are spending their eternity together. So, at the eternity stage, I organized a celestial marriage called Twin Flames. No, all spirits wished to get into this marriage because they couldn’t find a suitable match between them, or they had other various reasons. These unions are performed only here in my world, where I approve it and celebrate with them. It is an important decision to remain together in eternity, and dissolving this marriage is complex. Their field is changing when the union occurs, so I have to approve this holy marriage personally. But somewhere in time, I might choose the shifting of
twin flames and the search starts again to find the perfect pair. I make all my creations in cycles; I set nothing in stone. Twin Flames union is a lengthy process,
complex and sensitive. The Twin Flames meet on Earth very rarely, when one of the twins has undertaken a tough concept to have as experience in a lower dimension and needs help. The souls without a twin, start searching for each other, in this Universe, hoping to find a pair. It is a dynamic search for Twin Flame partners on your lovely planet right now. To become Twin Flames, they must live as soulmates for many lives, and for how long they live together, that is their choice, not mine.
Furthermore, when you reincarnate on lower dimensions, 3D, or 4D, you encounter many ways to change your soul path and achieve so-called karma. This karma represents many unsolved energies from your present life and past reincarnations(personal Akashic records), with family members, friends, or strangers.
To harmonize these energies, a soul requires reincarnating many times to burn this karma and align them’.
How is this karma formed?
‘You plan with other souls to reincarnate with you so they can help you. So you chose your family members, friends, neighbours, co-workers, etc. When you are home, you are aware of all the concepts from all dimensions. Because you do not have any experience of these concepts, you reincarnate to learn them. You cannot learn and have these experiences in my realm because here is a love field. You cannot have negative emotions in this field, such as; threat, anger, manipulations, fears, trauma, dishonesty, lies, worries, jealousy,
addiction, discrimination, hate, racism, etc. These experiences you will bring it back to the field when you are returning home. I have to add that all these concepts are in the
field. The only difference is that you know all of them as a theory, not like the living experience. Therefore, when you reincarnate, you have a path to follow, so you must stay on the track and learn what you choose to learn. When you didn’t learn the concept, your next
situation in this life will be the same until you will be conscious of it. That’s why it is crucial to understand everything that is going on in your life and be aware of it. Sometimes you are aware, and sometimes you don’t. So, when you didn’t accept the lessons and didn’t figure out your life’s puzzle, the energies will not be in balance, and you have to repeat the reincarnation. You will continue your journey going through the same situations, places, scenes, and face the same individuals to help you with the lessons.
During your life on lower dimensions, you will meet situations as competitions, hate, revenge, fear, anger, manipulations, etc., that will take you from the soul path. Your reactions to all the cases that you meet in your life will add or harmonize your karma. So in simple words, I can say that karma is your actions and reactions toward solving your problems from this lifetime and many other lifetimes. In your realm, you call this process a SIN. You are not aware that you might hurt somebody along the way and create unbalanced energies. By creating karma, you just break a universal law called the Law of cause and effect. Every thought, words, and actions set a specific force in motion that will materialize.
Also, everything in your life is your mental creations, and to be a master of your destiny, you need to master to control your mind. All the universal laws are working on your life, shaping your future according to your belief system, thinking pattern, actions, reactions, and words. Not being aware of the universal laws doesn’t mean that it doesn’t apply to you. It applies to all of you, and you call it luck, chance, or poor luck, but it is the Law of cause and effect at work. All your life, you follow the rules and regulations of those around you, such as; family, schools, society, cultures, traditions. Obeying these rules will make you very competitive by creating many positive and negative energies that create your karma if you do not align with your soul’s purpose. You are dual beings, and you have free will, so it is easy to take another route in life.
Now you should understand why Twin Flames are not coming to your realm. They are not coming to solve karmic relations because this might break your Twin Flame union. You need to have experiences with karmic mates to address these energies. A soulmate is a quiet, supportive, lovely, and understanding partner. He might be a candidate for your Twin Flame union. Somewhere in time, there will be a loop where you can change the Twin Flames. Then you will consider all your soulmates from all your past lives as a future candidate for Twin Flame union. Therefore, you will start again with the reincarnations to find all the matches you have with the new or old chosen soulmates. You can replace your Twin Flame if you found a 100% match with another soulmate. In this journey, you both decide to look for a new Twin Flame, which cannot be just one twin’s decision. So far, this is in progress right now, and none of the existing Twin Flames found partners that match them perfectly. Because of that, many existing Twin Flames will choose themselves again for the second time. So this experiment takes place right now, and it’s not a big success. This challenge is a new experiment, and we will try it again at another time. Therefore, today is the time to take your soulmate relationship to another level. As per existing Twin Flames, they already decided to came together in a union for the second time. Then, we will have a big celebration when you come back home.
For these circumstances, I do the approval for the Twin Flames here in my realm, not on yours. In your reality, you have a terrain of learning, knowing, and exploring each other to make the ultimate decision when you are back home. You already had various experiences with soulmates from your past reincarnations. Therefore, all of them are candidates to your hand in eternity. Also, you may delay the Twin Flame union to have more searches done and live more experiences with your soulmates.
I hope I was clear enough, and I go now wishing you the best experiences toward this celestine unions through choices you make’.