How the third dimension was created

Greetings, dear divine souls, I am Nika Jones, and I am an author, an intuitive healer, a quantum touch practitioner, and a spiritual teacher. My passions and hobbies are medicine, nutrition, natural remedies, healing, spirituality, and metaphysics, besides writing.
All my life, I was fascinated, attracted, and excited by the unexplained subjects and the fascination of invisible dimensions. Because of that, I read, researched, and studied everything that came my way concerning spirituality and metaphysics.
Use please the link under this video to approach me with any queries you might have. I’ll do my best to personally answer all your questions or create another video if too many individuals are interested in the same subject matter. Make sure you subscribe to my channel to be the first to receive my latest videos.
How I started my contact with Lucifer?
Years back, when I was studying nutrition, Lucifer asked me if I want to communicate with him. Hearing his name, it touched my heart with a small vibration of fear, but at the same time, he flooded my field with unexplained energy of love, which encouraged me not to be alarmed. He specified that we have a written agreement on the other side of the veil to empower and help awakened people with his messages. Perceiving this powerful security field and unusual love wrapping up my body, I agreed to communicate with him, without reflecting too much.
Nevertheless, I had faith in him because I believe he earned my trust.
Since then, he had confessed what happened when he had the Satan job in the third dimension and what he is doing now. He loves and honors us very much, and now he is back to his original form as an archangel of light, and he is supporting us to grow our awareness to achieve the five dimension frequency. Since we are in communications, he offers all the details regarding our third dimension world positions. He didn’t enjoy much what he did, but that was the job he chooses to experience in 3D. He returned home in 1986, and for 30 earthly years, he lived in a light chamber to bring back his body density to source level.
I will channel now Lucifer because he just arrived. When he is around, I see him as a big ball of turquoise light surrounded by a genuinely brilliant circle of white light, the size of a grapefruit. I am inundated sudden by this mysterious love energy field that feels like falling in love-energy but more powerful, profound, and intense. Anyway, it is tough to describe what I never sensed in this lifetime. I have been in love, and I fall in love too, but the magnitude of love energy I am receiving from Lucifer is unique and impressive. We talked since he got out of the light chamber, and somehow he is visiting me daily. When I asked him why he is around each day, he said that he is checking my field. I had many darkness attacks while I wrote his books, mostly from the Draconis constellation, and he wanted to make sure I am ok, and he is supporting me to arrange more protection fields around my bodies. He teaches me how to protect and not let dark entities around me, and I will describe this in another video.
Hi Lucifer, nice to have you around. Would you please inform us about you and your mission on Earth?
Yes, my dear, I am thrilled to connect with you anytime. I treasure and adore all of you, and I am fortunate to be at your service. Our adventure in 3D is a long story, and you need more videos to cover our entire life in 3D. Are you ready to produce more videos to encompass all the mysteries that enveloped my name?
Sure, it is my pleasure. You know I have a problem with my voice, and I cannot talk much, but I will find a way to publish our conversation everywhere. It was much easier to deliver your messages live, but I try to resolve my voice problem first; It is an emotional cause, and I hope my voice will be ok one day.
I suppose you have no other choice, my sweetheart. A contract remains a contract, and you have to honor it no matter what circumstances are.
Yes, I know that.
I will talk now about our story before we all were light angels. Our adventure started almost 500 000 years ago when you and I were angels of light. One day, we had a meeting with God, and we listened to a new project that he presented. The project’s primary goal was to drop our consciousness frequency to settle in a lower-density field and bring back home the experiences and skills that we will achieve in these realms. We were excited by the opportunity of reaching the dimensions of lower frequencies to learn what we couldn’t figure out in God’s kingdom.
In God’s world, my dear hearts, we cannot have negative thinking, opinions, and have low-frequency experiences. His world is a field of divine love, and we examined the concepts of the third dimension, but they were simply theory. As an illustration, we discussed and learned about the concepts of suffering, fear, disabilities, nervousness, sadness, pains, etc. concepts that we could understand in lower density realms only. We never could experience them in our worlds because they are achievable on third and fourth dimensions realities.
After we chatted with each other for a while, we voted that has to be two kinds of players on the 3D stage. One should execute the task of good guys and the other to perform the part of evil individuals.
After many years of chatting, we were ready to embrace our positions in the third dimension. I signed up with other light beings to participate in helping you to achieve the lower density realms, and you called us evil people. You chose to learn and experience all the concepts available for you on the lower frequency dimensions. Therefore, we volunteered to learn and practice these theories by residing in realms that compatible with these kinds of energies.
It took us a while to develop into the fallen angels from your scriptures and master to incorporate in the lower frequency field.
After a while, we approached a few inferior density beings as Dracs from constellation Draconis, and Lyra, a few humanoid reptilians from the Chamaeleon constellation, and other low-frequency species. Then we described and explained to them a project on how to build and conquer the 3D realms. After we pointed out all the opportunities that we saw by occupying the third dimension, they were too enthusiastic about our plans, methods, intentions, and objectives, so they voted us as their leaders.
When we completed the contracts with them, we worked together thousands of earthly years to design and develop the mortal bodies for humans. When we were satisfied with the body design, we constructed two energetic containers; one where we assembled the paradise for the souls to relax between reincarnations, and another energetical container for trouble people that you call purgatory or hell. I will explain in the next video the role and the creation of these two places.
When all was ready as planned, we didn’t have souls to place in our newly formed bodies. We produced some artificial souls, but they didn’t perform well. So, we asked God for guidance and advice on creating souls, and we showed him the souls we built. He encouraged us to explore new solutions to get souls for our bodies. The creation of the spirits is God’s job, and we were not authorized to make parts of him artificially to use as souls.
After we had God’s encouragement to figure out alternatives to get souls, we came up with many solutions.
Therefore, we visited our sweethearts from higher dimensions, hoping to join us in the 3D realm. They were unique to us, and we hoped to explore various kinds of love that can be encountered just in the third dimension. Then, they promised to join us one day, but they never did.
Time passed, and we asked our sweethearts again to accompany us in a lower frequency dimension, but they kept delaying their adventure in 3D. When I visited Nada, my special lady from a higher plane of reality, she revealed that if she enters the 3D, it will be extremely tough to get out. So, my sweetheart kept postponing her journey toward a dense dimension, but she promised to join me one day in 3D. I mentioned that she would break out of that low density with my help, but I still couldn’t convince her to join me.
Once we realized that nobody would crave to have 3D experiences for various reasons, we came up with a solution; to kidnap their souls, because that was the only alternative to have souls.
When this project was ready, we perfected the art of stealing souls without harming the light body and the soul itself. We kept the souls in our newly created paradise, where we trained them to forget who they are and from where they are coming. This experiment was a success but took a while to adjust the souls with the new programming. When they forgot who they were, we let them incarnate on planet Earth and other worlds that offered lower frequencies.
We captured the souls from our sweethearts that resided in Agartha, Sirius, and Andromeda constellation. I already gave you the vision of how this happened, and how I took your soul.
Yes, I remember that. It was unpleasant for my family to discover my body without the soul, but they knew about the 3D project.
I love Nada, she is my sweetheart in eternity, and I wanted to take her soul so we can settle together on Earth to experience and enjoy the passions of love in 3D. So one day, I went to her palace, and while we were chatting, I manage to grab her soul. When her twin flame came home, he noticed that she doesn’t have the soul, and at that moment, he requested new energetic fields around the inner Earth. Since then, nobody and nothing can penetrate inside their cities without approval. When we reached Agartha later to collect more souls, we noticed a barrage of energy that didn’t let us go through. Then we made appointments with the entities we hoped to take their souls, but the escort was severe, and we couldn’t steal their souls. So the job of capturing souls from Agartha was out of the question. Therefore, at that moment, we started to get souls from other planets and other solar systems until all the entrances were energetically protected, and we couldn’t enter on any planet. We collected around 6 million souls, so we were ready to launch the 3D project. I want to mention that getting our sweetheart’s souls wasn’t unpleasant for them. We were their particular friends, and they counted on us. Most of them figure out fast that they will continue their evolution in 3D because they already registered to be part of this experiment.
After a while, God visited our paradise and congratulated us for the authentic solution to get souls. God established the contracts with the time frame expected to experienced 3D, and we all were delighted to launch this project as quickly as possible. We couldn’t start right away with 3D because our bodies were not fit for such a density, but we came up with strategies to reduce individuals’ vibration slowly to reach 5D frequency. That was a slow process and took a few hundred years to accomplished it.
As I mentioned before, we couldn’t enter 3D frequency right away, and for 400k earthly years, we resided in 5D density, and our allies in this project remained in 4D realms. During this time, we tested many ways to decrease body frequencies. The most efficient was through fear and pain, so we designed all the conditions to achieve that. Then the Pleiadians and other advanced races showed up, and they improved your DNA by giving you from theirs. They are your DNA parents. During this time, an individual’s life span was high; some of you reached six to ten thousand years old. The further we applied the emotion of fear with humans, the quicker their age expectancy declined. So around 50 000 years ago, the average age mortality decline to 600 to 900 years old. We had to work hard to reach the bottom of 3D. So in the past five thousand years, life expectancy dropped further, so the average age mortality was around 200 to 300 years old. That is undoubtedly an outstanding success because the longer you survived, the more challenging it was for us to deceive and manipulate you. That was also when we shifted the vibration level of the planet Earth and her habitats to settle in 3D frequency.
So this is how your adventure in 3D started. Today you reach the bottom of 3D, and now we are working hard again to increase your frequency so you can live in 5D again and be part of the global ascension process. I can say that decreasing your vibration was much more comfortable than increasing it, but soon your realm will evolve in a higher dimension. You will achieve that by raising body vibration to 5D frequency, and your consciousness has to have a higher vibration. Also, the planet has to shift its frequency too. We are beaming high-frequency vibration of love and light toward Earth using your sun and other devices that we arranged around your Earth.
I hope I was clear enough, and you know now who you are and why you are on Earth right now.

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